
August 2024: Lisa Umutoni is honored by the American Society of Civil Engineers- SC Section 2024 Young Civil Engineer of the Year prestigious award. Congratulations, Lisa!

August 2024: Adarsha Neupane joined the HHR group as a PhD student. Welcome to our group, Adarsha!

August 2024: Nima Zafarmomen joined the HHR group as a PhD student. Welcome to our team, Nima!

August 2024: Lisa Umutoni is honored by CAFLS Wade Stackhouse Fellowship. Congratulations, Lisa!

July 2024: HHR team along with the University of Iowa and CUAHSI conducted WaterSoftHack cyber-training on July 26-Aug.02, 2024 with >130 participants. What an impactful event!

August 2024: Mostafa Saberian is elected to receive Early Career Researcher Fellowship sponsored by the Young Earth System Scientists (YESS), American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (AGU H3S), and the Japanese Early Career Researcher community, with the support of GEWEX and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Great job, Mostafa!

June 2024: The HHR team attended the 12th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software on June 23–27, 2024 in East Lansing, MI. The team convenes a session and has several presentations. Fantastic job!

April 2024: Dr. Samadi is accepted into the 2024 cohort of NSF-Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI)’s Game Changer Academies for Advancing Research Innovation!

Mar. 2024: Dr. Samadi recieved the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) 2024 Mid-Career Award for Applied Research. What an honor!

Feb. 2024: Sadegh's research paper is accepted by the ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. This research developed a new deep neural network tool for water reservoir management and control. Well done!

Jan. 2024: Krishna Panthi joined the HHR team as a grad student. Welcome to the HHR group, Krishna!

Jan. 2024: HHR paper led by Dr. Samadi is accepted by Environmental Modeling & Software Journal. This paper discusses the concept of human and AI collaboration in emergency management. Way to go!

Nov. 2023: Congratulations Rishav on successfully defending your outstanding M.S. dissertation research. Rishav joined Amazon Web Service in Seattle as a Software Engineer. We are proud of you!

Sept. 2023: Sadegh research paper is accepted at Enviornmental Modeling & Software Journal. This research developed FlowDyn: a new deep neural network tool for global streamflow simulation. Well done"!

Sept. 2023: Nushrat research paper is accepted at IEEE Access. This study developed DX-FloodLine, an interpretable, intelligent, multi-stage, end-to-end, deep neural network-based pipeline to classify near real time emerging flood occurrence from images. Congratulations, Nushrat"!

Sept. 2023: Dr. Samadi was recognized by the ASCE SC Section with the 2023 ASCE South Carolina Section Technical Merit Award for her research on the development of "Flood Evaluation Tool"!

Aug. 2023: HHR received a new grant from the National Science Foundation. In this project, our team will work with CUAHSI and other institutions to develop deep learning and hydroinformatics educational modules. THANK YOU, NSF!

July 2023: Professor Ioana Popescu, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, visited Clemson University and the HHR lab. She provided keynotes on her recent Eu funded projects at Clemson University. We appreciate you, Ioana!!

July 2023: Congratulations to Betina Cruz for successfully publishing her MS research outcomes in the EGU Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. GREAT job, Betina!

May 2023: Praneeth Dulam joined the HHR team as a grad student. Welcome to the HHR group, Praneeth!

May 2023: HHR projects were funded by USDA-NIFA. Yay!

May 2023: Dr. Samadi was invited by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to attend an Expert Meeting on AI in Environmental Modeling: Storms, Floods, and Wildfires.!

April 2023: Rishav Karanjit received a summer internship from Amazon Web Service. Congratulations, Rishav!

April 2023: Congratulations Sadegh on successfully defending your outstanding Ph.D. dissertation research. Well done!

March 2023: Congratulations Elnaz on being selected for the CUAHSI and the National Water Center Innovators Program Summer 2023 Institute! Well done!!

January 2023: Mostafa Saberian joined HHR in January as a Ph.D. student. Welcome to our group, Mostafa!

November 2022: HHR received a new grant from USDA. The focus of this funded project is on broadening participation of women and URGs in water resources.Yay!

August 2022: HHR research papers are published at the AGU Earth's Future and the Frontiers in Water: Rising Stars 2021 special issue. Congratulations, team!

August2022: HHR recieved a grad student fellwoship grant. Lisa Umutoni' grad research proposal is awarded by the Sustainable Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Graduate Student program! GREAT job, Lisa.

August 2022: Two HHR software patents are licensed by Clemson CURF. Way to go, guys!

June 2022: Rishav won 3rd place in the Oral Presentation at the 2022 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference! So proud of you!

June 2022: Dr. Samadi is elected to serve as a board member on the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society!

May 2022: Sadegh' RNN paper is accepted at the Environmental Research Letters. Congratulations!

May 2022: Betina Cruz joined HRR as an exchanged grad student to work on the SC flooding impacts on food-water-energy nexus. Welcome to our group, Betina!

May 2022: Sadegh presented his oral talk on the RL research at the EGU. Great job!

March 2022:HHR research is highlighted on the Clemson Board of Trustees profile. Great job, team!

January 2022: Please join me in welcoming Lisa Umutoni to HHR family. Welcome to Clemson, Lisa!

January 2022: Betina joined the HHR team as a graduate student. Betina is a MS student at the IHE Delft for Water Education, the Netherlands. Welcome to our team, Betina!

January 2022: Rishav joined the HHR team as a graduate student. Welcome to our team, Rishav!

December 2021: HHR team actively participated at the AGU21 with two sessions for flood and hydroinformatics research and numerous talks and presentations!

November 2021: Rakshit successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations, Rakshit!

November 2021: Rakshit MS research paper is accepted by the Editor-In-Chief of the Environmental Modeling & Software Journal shortly after original submission and without going through peer reviewing process!!!! Great job, Rakshit!

November 2021: Dr. Samadi will lead a global crosscutting flood research initiative for the GEWEX program that allows propagating flood modeling/research knowledge from one region to the other and synthesizing results at the global scale!

August 2021: HHR received a new grant from NSF! This is a collaborative research among Clemson University, University of Texas at Austin, and Brigham Young University!

April 2021: HHR students were super star at the EGU2021 with two oral talks on informatics and water modeling research!

April 2021: Leon Windheuser joined HHR to work on deep learning modeling development during summer and fall 2021. Leon is a Computer Science student at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Welcome to our team, Leon!

March 2021: Congratulations Sadegh on being selected for the CUAHSI and the National Water Center Innovators Program Summer 2021 Institute! Well done, Sadegh!

Feburary 2021: HHR is awarded a research grant from USGS! yay:)

Feburary 2021: Dr. Samadi was elected to chair the CUAHSI Informatics Committee for 2021 and 2022!

January 2021: Dr. Samadi received Clemson Support for Early Exploration and Development Award! Hooray!

January 2021: Sadegh was a ROCKSTAR at the AMS machine learning session with his oral presentation on ML application for the Carolinas' rainfall-runoff simulation!

December 2020: HHR team rocked AGU 2020 with three flood related research presentations!

November 2020: Dr. Samadi will give an oral talk on flood modeling research at AGU 2020!

October 2020: Dr. Samadi will convene hydroinformatics session at AGU 2020!

October 2020: HHR said goodbye to Kuntal, Eshwar, and Nakhil who worked part time with the team during 2020!

August 2020: FAIS paper is out at Environmental Modleing and Software!

July 2020: HHR was awarded a grant from NSF. Hooray:):):)

July 2020: We welcome Kuntal, Nikhil,and Eshwar to the HHR group. Welcome guys!

June 2020: Bayesian Model Averaging with fixed and flexible priors for rainfall-runoff simulation is published at AGU JAMES.

May 2020: Rakshit Pally joined HHR group as a research assistant. Welcome to the HHR family, Rakshit.

February 2020: Dr. Samadi has been elected to serve the CUAHSI Informatics Committee.

January 2020: Dr. Samadi will be serving the Hydrological Sciences Journal as an Associate Editor.

December 2019: HHR group is transferred to Clemson University! Thank you UofSC for all of your kind support.

December 2019: HHR students were ROCKSTAR at AGU2019 flood session. Blessed to work with you all!

October 2019: Dr. Samadi is invited by NSF to give a presentation at NSF flood conference in NC. The conference is organized by NSF and CUAHSI.

October 2019: Dr. Samadi attened GEWEX Hydroclimate panel meeting at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia and introduced CEE Water Resources program as well as HHR team to the panel.

September 2019: So proud of HHR students, Sadegh and Mahdi, as both awarded UofSC as well as the R.L. Sumwalt, Sr. Endowed travel grants to attend the AGU. Congratulations and way to go!.

September 2019: Please join me in welcoming Ellie Chao to the HHR family!.

April 2019: Dr Samadi' proposal is awarded for funding by the National Science Foundation:). Horray for HHR!.

January 2019: Please join me in welcoming Sadegh, PK, and Ellie to HHR! Welcome to our group, folks!.

October 2018: Dr Samadi' proposal is awarded for funding by the National Science Foundation:). More students will join our lab.

September 2018: If you plan to attend AGU, please stop by and meet us at our session(Extreme Rainfall and Flooding: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Consequences).

August 2018: We have received over 45 abstracts at our AGU session, it is going to be a productive session:)

December 2017: If you are at AGU, please stop by and meet us at our session(Global Hydrological Extremes: From Intense Rainfall to Flash Flood).

November 2017: Dr. Samadi' research proposal was approved for funding by SCDOT.

June 2017: Nicolet Chovancak joined our research group as a research assistant. Welcome to our group Nicolet!

May 2017: Dr. Samadi' research proposal was approved for funding by SRNL.

April 2017: Dr. Samadi' research proposal was approved for funding by USC.

March 2017: Masoud Yosefi successfully defended his M.Sc. dissertation. Congratulations Masoud!

February 2017: Dr. Samadi hosted an exploratory workshop between USC and SRNL.The participants included engineers, climatologists, water resources managers, and stakeholders.

February 2017: Dr. Samadi has been selected by editor of Journal of Hydrologic Engineering as an ASCE 2016 Outstanding Reviewer!

December 2016: Please join me in welcoming Ryne Phillips to our group! Ryne joins us after finishing his MS program at Clemson University.

December 2016: Dr. Samadi was primary convener and chair for a session at AGU on "Shifting Extremes: Understanding Hydrological Events for Societal Benefit".

December 2016: Dr. Samadi delivered a presentations at AGU on Application of Clustering Algorithms in Rainfall classification of the Southeastern Region.

October 2016: Dr. Samadi delivered two presentations at SC Water Resources Conference.

July 2016: Sahar Desai joined our research group as a research assistant. Welcome to our group Sahar!

July 2016: Dr. Samadi visited the Department of Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources at the University of Tennessee at Martin (UTM) and delivered an invited talk on "The Response of Coastal Hydrological Variables to Uncertainty and Nonstationarity". Thank you UTM for the generous travel grant!

April 2016: Dr. Samadi visited College of the Coast and Environment at Louisiana State University (LSU) and delivered an invited talk on "Intelligent Modeling of Coastal Hydrological Response to Land Use Change". Thank you LSU for the wonderful travel grant!

April 2016: Dara Ahmadi-Azar joined our research group as a research assistant. Welcome to our group Dara!

January 2016: Dr. Samadi' research proposal was approved for funding by NOAA SC. Sea Grant Consortium.

January 2016: Andrew Bjork joined our research group as a research assistant. Welcome to our group Andrew!

December 2015: Dr. Samadi delivered two presentations at AGU on Uncertainty Quantification and Nonstationarity Assessment.

October 2015: Dr. Samadi' research proposal was approved for funding from USC (SCFLOODS grant)!

October 2015: Masoud Yosefi successfully passed the prospectus oral defence and advanced to M.Sc. candidacy, Congratulations Masoud!

September 2015: Sadegh Sadeghi-Tabas successfully defended his M.Sc. dissertation, Congratulations Sadegh!

September 2015: Thomas Martin successfully defended his internship research outputs on nonstationarity and trend assessment of flash floods in the Carolinas. Congratulations Thomas!

April 2015: Thomas Martin joined our research group from ParisTech (France). He will work on functional model of streamflow variability in the south-eastern watersheds. Welcome to our group Thomas!

December 2014: Dr. Samadi delivered her presentation at AGU on Uncertainty Quantification of a Distributed Hydrology Model Using Bayesian Framework.

November 2014: Sadegh Sadeghi-Tabas successfully passed the prospectus oral defence and advanced to M.Sc. candidacy, Congratulations Sadegh!

October 2014: Dr. Samadi visited Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University and delivered an invited talk on "Prediction of Uncertainty: Characterizing and Optimization of Uncertainty Using MCMC Bayesian Model and Bias Correction in Downscaling Techniques". Thank you Duke University and the Louvered Growth Consultancy Company (Atlanta, GA) for the wonderful travel grant!

October 2014: Dr. Samadi delivered four key talks on uncertainty analysis and streamflow forecasting at South Carolina Water Resources conference.

September 2014: Alexis Atlani successfully defended his internship research outputs on uncertainty assessment of hydrology model. Congratulations Alexis!

April 2014: Alexis Atlani joined our research group from ParisTech (France) for summer internship program. He will work on distributed watershed model coupled with uncertainty algorithm. Welcome to our group Alexis!

April 2014: Dr. Samadi will be delivering four conference papers in South Carolina Water Resources Conference in October 2014.

February 2014: Hana Etemadi completed her Ph.D. sabbatical at University of South Florida and has successfully driven significant results from the sediments samples. Congratulations Hana!

June 2012: Masoumeh Ostad successfully passed the prospectus oral defence and advanced to M.Sc. candidacy, Congratulations Masoumeh!

June 2012: Mohammadreza Farzaneh successfully defended his M.Sc. dissertation, Congratulations Mohammadreza!

February 2012: Hana Etemadi successfully passed the prospectus oral defence and advanced to Ph.D. candidacy, Congratulations Hana!

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