Academic Research Interest
Our research focus is on cyber-physical modeling and hydroinformatics, an interdisciplinary approach combining hydrology, water resources engineering, computer science, and data analytics. The goal of our research is to leverage advances in cyber-physical systems and computing to address problems and challenges associated with water resources systems. We are particularly interested in developing new software and tools to help protect the environment and critical infrastructure. Successive flood events and changes in rainfall patterns are already causing significant challenges for our environmental systems and citizens. We believe that innovations in hydroinformatics and intelligent computing, for applications such as flood forecasting and stormwater modeling, are needed to help communities adapt to potential risks and crises.
Industry Research Interest
Our industry research interest focuses on Web GIS programming that involves creating, leveraging and utilizing Web GIS or web mapping solutions to solve specific problems, build complete applications, or consume or produce data and geospatial processing services. Web GIS programming is a type of software development that provides a means of handling internet, browser-based software application development tasks which require unique programming skills to develop web GIS or web mapping applications. Web GIS programming applies to mobile as well as desktop application development. In the past, our lab received large scale funding from industry to develop web GIS Applications to meet South Carolina environmental monitoring program at SCDOT.
Want to donate to our research?
If you are interested in donating to the Clemson Hydroinformatics lab, whether it be funding a single experiment/research or funding a student: go to Clemson forever enter an amount and your address, and indicate Clemson Hydroinformatics Research Group in the comments.
Watch our research videos
Introduction to the FAIS app:
Deep learning in hydrology and water resources-part 1 (prepared for the AGU):
Deep learning in hydrology and water resources-part 2 (prepared for the AGU):
Flood Frequency Analysis:
SC Flood Ready:
GIS in Water Resources Engineering class:
Our Sponsors